Who we are...

Miss Urvashi

Miss Intercontinental beauty private limited is a universal, worldwide organization that respect and promote all cultures, backgrounds, and religion. We secure and provide a safe environment for women. We trained them to make them confident. The Miss Intercontinental beauty private limited Organization provides women who participate in this international platform Miss Urvashi with the tools to affect positive change personally, professionally, and generous serving as inspirational leaders and role models to their communities and fans around the world.

What Leads Us

Miss Urvashi Exists to provide a international platform. Miss Urvashi main aim is to provide a safe enviornment to all women. Miss Urvashi is exists to help, promote and providing them platform to make all

Run By Lady
For Lady

Miss Urvashi belives in equal gender rights.
Our Organization is to Empower women build their confidence and to realize their own power.

Pave The Way

Those who have participated in Miss Urvashi are able to encourage and develop their personal, professional, and munificent aspiration.